Final touches

I know I haven’t given much attention to the post card and website as I have with filming lately. However, they have been simmering in the background as my group has been doing all their work accordingly. The postcard is almost ready to go. Just waiting on Brayden to add the final touches now. Once that is completed, it will be the first piece ready to post on our final project blog. Next up is the website which I have steadily been working on it day by day. My group and I have been taking notes and making sure all the information we retain through the project can be incorporated into the website. Just a few more things I need to fix up and that will be ready as well. The social media links are also ready which is one of the last things I need to add to the website. I did the Instagram page and Brayden set up the twitter page. Once they are attached to the website, everything will be fully completed. Brayden, Elton, and I have been working hard everyday for everything to come together. Each of us are adding the final touches to our parts of the project. It has all been a big team effort and I’m extremely proud of the our group. In terms of the website, I’m very happy with how it turned out considering it was my first time building one. I didn’t follow any specific set of instructions on how to build it. It was a major freestyle for me as I went with the flow to figure out what I needed to in order to make any changes to the sit. I’m super excited to be seeing the final task fully come together. Additionally, maybe because of this project I can pursue websites as a more long term hobby if necessary for whatever job I will have as an adult. Everything has been a tota learning experience along with very rewarding outcomes. Stay tuned for more updates as the release dates are getting closer for all the content of “In the Shadows”.
