Midnight Ransom

1st scene - Birds eye shot with Sarah in bed

2nd scene - close up shot of alarm ringing

3rd scene and 4th scene - wide shots of Sarah

5th scene - medium long shot of sarah

6th- wide shot

All shots in this board taken at a medium wide angle except birds eye shot on 11th scene

Sarah goes over to the door
Suspense builds as she opens it
When the door opens no one appears
She looks out the hallway and then closes the door
Sarah goes back to kitchen

Sarah plates eggs
Sarah looks out into streets
Sarahs phone rings
A friend ask to hang out
She glances at door on way out and grabs keys before leaving

Sarah makes her way down to the elevator where she is shot entering and leaving
She turns corner entering garage
Close up shot in portrait mode with abductor in back
Sarah enters car and starts driving

Sarah changes radio
Sarah drives with car tailing her even after a right turn after she misses it the first time
Sarah makes it to gas station

Sarah exits car
Sarah enters gas station
Sarah heads over to the drink aisle
Abductor walks into gas station (tracking shot)

Sarah picks up a drink in gas station 
Her phone rings
Sarah puts drink back to pick up her phone call 
Sarah lets friend know she will be there momentarily and jokes that if she isnt there she should call 
the cops

Sarah gets into car where she realizes she forgot something at her house.
She calls friend and lets her know.
After she enter her car the car in rearview continues to tail

Sarah gets out car.
Sarah walks out and turns corner on a wide shot.
This is where the abductor takes  Sarah and the screen goes black.


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