Welcome Back!!

It as been awhile, but here we go again. Hi, my name is Sarah Kraja and I'm ecstatic to soon begin this final task. I have some experience with technology since I am always using it, and I used to edit a lot of videos for fun when I was younger. I feel like that will be very helpful for me in this class because there is a lot of recording involved throughout the year. I always liked editing and filming videos when I was with friends so I have some of the basics down already. I am already in the process of brainstorming ideas for our groups task because of how thrilling making it seems. Now I'll get into some particulars about what I generally do throughout most days in and out of school. When I'm outside of school, I would usually have either volleyball practice, a game, or work. This is one of the sports that I have truly found myself to have a passion for after many years. I am on my schools Junior Varsity team and have made a lot of progress ever since I made the team. At practice and games, I have been working towards improvement as much as I can since I'm there almost everyday of the week. If I am not at volleyball, I am either at work or at home catching up on school work and studying for my SAT. It gets overwhelming sometimes with balancing a sport, a job and school at the same time, however it is manageable. It is crucial for me to keep my grades up if I want to be able to do things outside of school. I make time to see my friends and cousins mostly over the weekends and every once in awhile after school. Occasionally, I help my parents with work to gain more experience for myself. I enjoy helping them because I get to spend the extra time I have with my parents. In the future, I look forward to getting into the business field when I am an adult. I want to start up my own business, but I am not sure what type exactly yet. I mostly just know that I want to be self-employed and make something big out of what I begin. The real world is scary, but exciting since I am the one creating a great path for myself everyday. 


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