We made it out!
Everything is officially completely and totally completed for this music video in relation to editing. We were able to finish off on a good note with our project. All of our brilliant minds put together really helped a lot in the long run. If it weren't for my group mates, it wouldn't have been this easy to do this project. It also surely would not have been as fun. Recording the music video was an experience, and to say the least it was pretty exciting. I had a great time with the people I was with since Lola and Sabrina are also my old middle school friends that I have known since the 7th grade. Before we filmed we also got Chick-Fil-A as a group and it was nice having that bonding moment before getting into all the technical stuff. We were able to talk about what we wanted to do and how we wanted our actors(Nate and Jackson) to play their role in our video. It was a necessary discussion that was bound to happen at some point. Therefore we had it beforehand so that we would waste no more time when we got home, so that we could film. Overall, I personally enjoyed the entire experience and I would love to do it again with this amazing group. I feel like we have created a good group that works very attentively with others. This would be worth working together again to create another amazing outcome of a project. I will admit, maybe we still could have done better but we were also short one group members. Since Michaela had work we couldn't wait for her so we had to do the filming without her. Hopefully, for our possible next project, she has the chance to make it to us to film. I want her to have as much fun as we did while filming at Lola's house for a second time around. We made the final cut we needed to make to shorten part of the video from 30 seconds to 15. That wasn't too hard, since we had a lot of filler moments in several of the clips we shot. All in all, I personally feel like we did a fantastic job and this video really has potential in doing good. I believe all requirements are met by telling a story and staying within the time limit.
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