Halfway there!

As my group was filming, we were also editing all at the same time. We would cut some of the clips to also be able to match the music perfectly. This helped us know in the moment exactly what we needed to keep recording to put in the video. One of the main reasons we took so long to film was because of the multi-tasking we did. Our official editing is still being worked on. Cuts still need to be made to be under the time limit for our video. This whole time I thought the video was supposed to be 1 minute and 30 seconds, but I just found out it is supposed to be 1 minute and 15 seconds. Because of this, some extra editing needs to be done in order to make things perfect. Michaela has helped a lot in this case since she was unable to make it on filming day. She has been working extremely diligently with the rest of us to figure things out and how we can make each clip better. Lola worked on transitions and then put the clips in order. This is a big part because if the clips are not organized in the correct order, then it ruins the whole video. Sabrina and I worked on the music syncing after Lola and Michaela did what they were supposed to do. It is hard to work on this outside of school because when editing, we need to be able to share our ideas all at the same time. With that being said, every class period we have had, we use it wisely to get this done as soon as possible. It is vastly necessary for this to turn out well, not only to get a good grade for the class, but also from Cambridge. I actively notice my group and I continuously make sure we are following all required guidelines. This is due to the fact that we want to do better than our last project for ourselves as well so that we can see improvement. If we see improvement from this, it will bring us more confidence for the upcoming project as well. It has been quite difficult to be able to be on track with everything just because it is the holiday season. Around this time it is usually always a struggle to keep up amazingly with schoolwork since everyone becomes ecstatic for break. 


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